About Me
Name: Jerad LaRue
Age: 29
City: Phoenix AZ
I started riding and racing at age 3 in eastern New Mexico where I grew up on my parents' farm. My parents moved me to Arizona to be closer to California when I was 14, then turned professional at 16. When I was 20 years old I was diagnosed with leukemia and given two options either continue with blood transfusions which would only last about 3 months before my body would shut down or have a bone marrow transplant with only a 15% success rate due to how aggressive my cancer was. After 2 years in the hospital, I was finally able to start getting my life back to normal and a year later I was back riding. I tried to get back into racing but was not into it like before after some time off I began to start riding freestyle motocross in 2015 at age 25. Since the start in 2015, I have now been able to ride events on 6 different continents and many different countries all over the world.
Blur: What sparked your interest in motorcycles?
Jerad: My interest in motorcycles came from watching my uncle race when I was young as well my stepdad had a dirt bike and would annoy him all day until he took me for a ride.
Blur: How old were you when you first started riding? and what was your first bike?
Jerad: I started riding at the age of 3 on my 1991 JR50.
Blur: What led you to a career in FMX?
Jerad: I basically burned out on racing and started to jump ramps with friends for fun and only wanted to learn a seat grab a month later I was able to learn a handful of tricks and started riding different demos and events.
Blur: How do you train for FMX? both physically and mentally?
Jerad: My typical training routine consists of riding almost every day that I am home and filming as much as possible to find any errors I do not like and correct them. For my mental training, I tend to focus on certain parts of my riding or tricks I struggle with more and constantly work on them to make them more and more comfortable for myself.
Blur: Take us through your routine in the days leading up to an event?
Jerad: Any time I have an event approaching I practice my tricks in a specific order at home to make sure I do not miss a single jump up during an event. I take the day before I leave to go through the entire bike make sure everything is 100% and ready.
Blur: You ever get nervous, scared, and or both?
Jerad: I'm pretty sure it's the same for most FMX riders the first jump on any new set up is nerve-racking after that I'm good to go.
Blur: What's the worst crash you have had?
Jerad: I'd have to say 2004 first turn at Lake Whitney Spring Classics on Superminis the crash is in the introduction part of the moto movie The Beginning.
Blur: Where is the next big contest coming up?
Jerad: Melbourne Australia
Blur: Got any big tricks hidden up your sleeve for the next big contest? can you share what it is if so?
Jerad: I have something I am working on but will wait to show everyone.
Blur: Any big plans or trips for the remainder of 2019 - 2020?
Jerad: For the remainder of 2019 I'm booked every weekend but the big events will be in Melbourne Australia, Tokyo Japan, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Sao Paulo Brazil, Buenos Aires Argentina, and Santiago Chile.
Blur: I'm sure there are a few but are there any sponsors you want to thank?
Jerad: I would for sure like to thank Marc and everyone at Blur for the opportunity to be apart of an awesome program as well Kevin at Shoei Helmets, Nate at C.A Gear, Mark at Defy Graphics, Shaun at Pure Kana CBD.